Vicky's adventures

Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé à Londres!

Le beaujolais nouveau arrived in London! Londonders hardly spit on any wines – Open-Minded we call them.
“Beaujolais” is also a wine bar. That’s on a walk down to St Martin’s Lane that I have discovered it today. With such a pleasant name it announces a hell of a night tonight! Gilles the owner will tell you with a perfect terroir French accent that he is not… French. “Bien sûr que je ne suis pas francais, j’ai l’air de quoi? Je suis juste un alien.” (*Of course I am not French, what do I look like? I am just an alien). ah! The rudeness when entering a restaurant, HOW FRENCH! So if you ever wonder where Gilles is from, he has got the manners and the sense of humour that won’t make you doubt longer.
The place looks very authentic, small and certainly over packed tonight, ties are hanging on the ceilling like to warn you of how fun a night can end and the walls are an exhibition themselves. So why not take the huge risk to see if beaujolais nouveau is that bad this year? Who knows where it could lead you to!
Not that I defends cheap Nouveau. But as long as the night is good thanks to twine I say yes. There’s a context for everything.

25 Litchfield Streetbea
London WC2H 9NJ

Come drink Vicky’s best beaujolais crus @Borough Wines,
heart of Borough Market (in front of Roast Restaurant)


Domaine Monrozier Chateau des Moriers


Today is the perfect day for a fresh new start for the sake of Gamay!

Miss Vicky Wine 304 posts

My father is a wine maker in beaujolais and I go sip wines everywhere. I was first know as a wine blogger, today I also write in French on a national magazine online plateform that is hosting my wine blog. They wanted someone to give a fresh twist to the French wine world. They got me. Read more

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